Thank you for attending the Hawaii Department of Transportation’s hybrid 2023 Protect Our Water Conference on November 14, 2023. We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete the following survey. Your feedback is important to us and will help us to improve the training for future years.

2023 Protect Our Water Conference Survey
1. What is your organization/agency affiliation?
2. Was this your first time attending HDOT's annual Protect Our Water Conference? *

3. If you attended in person, how would you rate the venue/location? Please mark "N/A" if you attended virtually.

Please note: 1 = Poor, 3 = Neutral, 5 = Excellent
Geographical Location *
Availability of Parking *
Comfort *
Refreshments *
Overall Satisfaction

4. If you attended virtually, how would you rate the virtual platform? Please mark "N/A" if you attended in-person.

Please note: 1 = Poor, 3 = Neutral, 5 = Excellent
Virtual Environment *
Conference Communication *
Vendors *
Speakers *
Overall Satisfaction
5. Are you planning to attend next year's training?
7. Would you prefer next year's conference to be in-person, virtual, or hybrid?