Thank you for attending the 2023 HDOT Protect Our Water Conference. Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire. 2023 Protect Our Water Questionnaire Please check your agency/affiliation: * HDOT Highways Oahu - Employee HDOT Highways Maui - Employee HDOT Highways Kauai - Employee HDOT Highways Hawaii - Employee HDOT Airports - Employee HDOT Harbors - Employee HDOT - Consultant Contractor/Subcontractor MS4 Permittee Representative OtherOther Email * Please mark the best available answer. 1. NPDES is an abbreviation of: * National Policy for Discharge of Erosion and Sediment Natural Protection of Developed Erosion Sites National Pollution Disturbed Ecosystem Site National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 2. Storm water runoff normally discharges through the storm drain system, receiving treatment before emptying into receiving waterbodies. * True False 3. Who is responsible for implementing erosion and sediment controls to minimize the discharge of pollutants from construction storm water? * The owner of the project and the general contractor/operator responsible for the site. The downstream property owner. The inspector. The subcontractor for the site. 4. Which of the following does not meet the requirements of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)? * Identifies potential sources of storm water pollution at the construction site. Describes storm water control measures to reduce/minimize pollutants in storm water discharges from the construction site. Describes site maps/plans that do not reflect current conditions on-site. Identifies procedures the permittee will implement to comply with the terms and conditions of the general permit. 5. A construction site inspection should cover: * Storm drainage features within and adjacent to the construction site. Locations of disturbed area and active work areas. Locations of BMPs installed for construction. All of the above 6. Double perimeter controls spaced five feet apart must be installed around disturbed areas when within 50 feet of state waters and an undisturbed natural buffer less than 50 feet is between the disturbed area and state waters: * True False 7. Construction projects with staging areas must: * Have a construction entrance or have an exit point where drip protection extends to pavement/concrete. Have perimeter controls installed around downslope side. Have drip protection installed underneath all vehicles and equipment with potential to leak/spill. All of the above. 8. Examples of good housekeeping measures include: * Storing portable toilets near drain inlets. Having spill kits on-site or readily accessible. Keeping dumpsters uncovered at the end of the work day. All of the above. 9. Perimeter controls installed around earth-disturbing work may be removed while disturbed area is being revegetated. * True False 10. Vegetative stabilization for any exposed portions of a site through the use of seed or planted vegetation must be: * Uniformly vegetated (evenly distributed without large bare areas). At least 70% or more of the density of coverage that was provided by vegetation prior to commencing earth-disturbing activities. Perennial and non-invasive. 11. Overall, how would you rate the Protect Our Water Conference? * 1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Excellent 12. Do you have any additional suggestions or comments? If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ