DOT-HWYS Oahu’s Q3 2023 Adopt-A-Highway Champions

2023 Q3: AAH-030, The Opala Pickers Congratulations to Oahu District’s Third…

DOT-HWYS Oahu’s Q2 2023 Adopt-A-Highway Champions

2023 Q2: AAH-064, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Zeta Pi Sigma DOT-HWYS Oahu’s Q2…

DOT-HWYS Oahu’s Q1 2023 Adopt-A-Highway Champions

2023 Q1: AAH-044, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 130th Engineer…

Protect Our Water Conference 2024

This November, storm water professionals, construction industry leaders, and…

Sustainable Halloween Costumes

Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year, with people dressing…

Grow Your Own Loofah

Most of us are familiar with loofahs—the trusty tool you use to scrub away the…

Filling Your Garden with Tropical Fruits

When deciding what plants to grow in your garden or yard, ensure environmental…

How To Use Rainwater

Collecting rainwater has many benefits, especially for our island communities…

Tips for World Sea Turtle Day

Nearly all sea turtle species are now classified as endangered. World Sea…

Ti Leaves: 3 Ways

The ti plant is commonly grown throughout Hawaiʻi. It is a tropical broadleaf…