Top 10 Ways to Fight for Trash Free Seas

An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans each year, and over the last 30 years, over 220 million pounds of trash has been picked up from shorelines around the world. Tackling the problem of plastic and debris in the ocean begins on land. Starting today, be mindful and begin making steps to reduce, reuse and recycle by implementing the following.

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Hurricane Preparedness

Getting ready for a hurricane can be stressful, which is why you should always be fully prepared in advance. Since we are quickly approaching hurricane season, it’s definitely time to start preparing if you haven’t done so already. In preparation for a hurricane, it is important to have an emergency plan established and to consider the following tips.

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DIY Emergency Kit

You should always have an Emergency Kit ready in your home in preparation for any disasters. This will save you precious time during those crucial moments before the disaster arrives. To assemble your kit, store your items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastic bins or a duffel bag.

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How to Drive Safely Before, During, and After a Natural Disaster

If you are driving, it is important to know what to do when a hurricane or another natural disaster is looming. Your vehicle may be an invaluable tool to get you to safety and it is important to know how to protect yourself, your passengers and other fellow drivers. Here are some tips to consider while driving before, during, and after a natural disaster strikes.

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Get Organized Sustainably

Spring is in full swing! While consolidating the contents of overstuffed drawers and cleaning out those crowded closets, consider getting organized sustainably with some of these tips for “upcycling” regular household items.

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Tips on Home Water Conservation

On average, Americans use between 80-100 gallons of water per day. Between showers, laundry, and other daily activities, be more conscious of your daily water usage this spring by adhering to the following conservation tips.

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DIY Cleaning Hacks

While spring-cleaning, ditch those bottles and containers filled with harmful chemicals and substitute them with these do-it-yourself products made from these three common household items!

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Spring Clean Sustainably

Spring is here, which means it’s time to clean out your closets and tidy up around the house, but don’t forget to keep in mind your impact on the environment. Give your home a fresh start with some of these sustainable spring-cleaning tips!

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‘Tis the Season for Minimizing Waste

While the holiday season brings people together, it’s also the time of year that generates the most trash and waste materials. Celebrate sustainability this holiday season with these environmentally friendly ways to reduce, re-use, and recycle.

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Zero-Waste Holiday Decorating and Gift Giving

Get ready for the holidays in style with these simple decorating ideas that will transform any home into a winter wonderland. Beat the shopping lines and give the gift of sustainability this holiday season with fun, do-it-yourself gift ideas everyone will love!

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