Water Saving Tips for Our Homes

It is important now more than ever to find ways to save water and money! Here are some easy water-saving tips you can implement around your home.

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5 Easy Steps to an Environmentally Friendly Beach Day

When the sun is shining, the beach is the perfect destination to relax on the sand or go for a swim. To ensure that your next beach day is environmentally friendly, here are five easy swaps that keep our beaches clean and your lifestyle sustainable.

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Single-Use Plastic Items You Can Quit TODAY

Plastic is a cheap, convenient material that can be found in almost every aspect of our daily lives. Much of the plastic we consume daily are single-use plastics, or items designed to be thrown away after being used only once. To reduce plastic waste and environmental pollution, start eliminating the use of these single-use plastic items today.

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Recycle Your Christmas Tree

Once the holidays are over, we should continue to keep our environment beautiful. Instead of throwing your tree away this year, opt for recycling. When you recycle your tree, it can be repurposed into mulch or wood chips instead of ending up in the landfill.

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Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving Holiday Tips

For many communities across the nation, the Thanksgiving holiday represents food, celebration, and togetherness. Thanksgiving also typically implies excess. Whether this excess comes in the form of food, waste, or energy, it can have major negative impacts on the environment and your wallet. With the following Thanksgiving tips, you and your community can work towards an eco-friendly holiday,…

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Zero Waste Cooking – Proper Food Disposal

Thanksgiving is a “foodies” favorite holiday. It’s also one of the most wasteful holidays of the year. We as a society are trained to believe that excessive amounts of food are what make this day so special, when in fact we are being incredibly wasteful. Follow these tips for some new ways to watch your food waste this holiday.

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Going Green this Back-to-School Season

School is starting for students throughout Hawaii, and now is a great time to think about what you can do to reduce, reuse, and recycle. In preparation for the back-to-school season, here are eight helpful tips to consider when going green this year.

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Green Your Wardrobe!

While clothes used to be a long-term investment, the society we live in now has created a culture of “fast fashion” – where we buy cheap garments for short-term use before replacing them with the next trending item. Here are five ways you can decrease “fast fashion” and create a more sustainable wardrobe for this school year!

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Top 10 Ways to Fight for Trash Free Seas

An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans each year, and over the last 30 years, over 220 million pounds of trash has been picked up from shorelines around the world. Tackling the problem of plastic and debris in the ocean begins on land. Starting today, be mindful and begin making steps to reduce, reuse and recycle by implementing the following.

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