Aloha! Thank you for taking the pledge to help keep Hawaii’s storm drains clean and clear!

Hawaii’s storm drain system serves an important role in our ecosystem. It allows rainwater to flow into the ocean to prevent flooding within the streets and inhabited areas.

It’s also a sensitive system because the drains lead directly to the ocean without treatment – taking whatever is in the storm drains straight to our island’s waters.

Unfortunately, some people continue to dump chemicals, trash, and even green waste into Hawaii’s storm drain systems. This is where you come in! We need your help to spread the word about the importance of preventing pollutants from going down our storm drains.

Aloha! Thank you for taking the pledge to help to help keep Hawaii’s storm drains clean and clear!

Hawaii’s storm drain system serves an important role in our ecosystem. It allows rainwater to flow into the ocean to prevent flooding within the streets and inhabited areas.

It’s also a sensitive system because the drains lead directly to the ocean without treatment – taking whatever is in the storm drains straight to our island’s waters.

Unfortunately, some people continue to dump chemicals, trash, and even green waste into Hawaii’s storm drain systems. This is where you come in! We need your help to spread the word about the importance of preventing pollutants from going down our storm drains.

Take the Pledge!

We need your help to spread the word about how important it is that only rainwater goes down our storm drains.

Please do your part by taking this pledge:

  • I promise to help keep the storm drains in my neighborhood clear by removing trash, branches, and other waste from around the drains.
  • I promise to properly dispose of pollutants such as used motor oil, grass cuttings, and plastics.
  • I promise to speak to my friends, family, and neighbors to remind them of how we can collectively keep our storm water system safe for the environment.
  • I promise to take part in one event each quarter that is designed to protect our environment, such as a beach cleanup.

Share your pledge progress on social media by tagging us and using the hashtag #StormWaterHawaii. Don’t forget to follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram for more tips and information on how you can malama i ka wai.

Stay Informed!

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