BMP Tip: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
September 28, 2018
What is a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)? A SWPPP is a site-specific, written document that among other things. Here are some things to consider and address when developing a SWPPP.
Storm Water Treatment BMPs and Maintenance
September 28, 2018
As of the summer of 2018 there are over 100 PBMPs actively treating storm water runoff throughout DOT-HWYS Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4); and there are many more in the planning and design phases.
Make a Difference Month
September 28, 2018
Across the nation, millions of people will be joining forces this October to celebrate “Make A Difference Month.” There’s no better time than the present to begin making steps to improve our island-home by implementing the following trash-free practices.
2018 Annual Maintenance Baseyard Storm Water Training Champions
September 28, 2018
Congratulations to the Honolulu Crew for winning the Annual Maintenance Baseyard Storm Water Training Quiz Competition. The training and quiz event took place in July, with heavy competition between the 13 maintenance crews. The Honolulu Crew had the highest average score on the post-training quiz (average of 19.45 points out of 20 possible).
DOT HWYS Oahu’s Q3 2018 Adopt-A-Highway Champions
September 28, 2018
Congratulations to the Kaneohe Bay Base Fuels, HDOT Highways, Oahu District’s Third Quarter 2018 Adopt-A-Highway Champions! Their route is from Kaimalolo Place and Kamaka Place in Kaneohe.
Construction BMP Tip: Types of Erosion
June 22, 2018
While natural erosion occurs at slow rates, erosion can be accelerated as a result of ground disturbing activities on construction sites causing sedimentation. It is important to understand the types of erosion that may occur and practices that can be implemented on construction sites to minimize erosion.
High-Performance Mulch Application
June 22, 2018
As part of the Permanent Erosion Control Program, DOT-HWYS continues to repair areas of erosion along state highways. For this site along Kalanianaole Highway in Kailua, traditional landscaping methods could not be used due to its steep, unstable, and irregular terrain. In order to allow the existing trees, and their root systems to remain undisturbed on the slope, the application of a spray-on…
How to “Upcycle” Your Laundry Detergent Container Into a Beach Bucket
June 22, 2018
Summer is for beach days, and what’s a beach day without fun toys? Follow this simple DIY to make a recycled beach bucket.
Make Your Own Mini Greenhouse
June 22, 2018
If you have limited space and a green thumb, try this simple DIY to make your own miniature greenhouse! All you have to do is remove the bottom of a large plastic bottle (preferably a gallon jug), unscrew the cap, place over a seedling, and you have a greenhouse! Although simple, it is surprisingly effective at maintaining optimal temperatures for growing plants.
Recap of School Visits
June 22, 2018
As the 2017 – 2018 school year comes to a close, we say “Mahalo” to all the students and teachers who participated in our school presentations! This year, our Storm Water team visited the following schools to share information about Oahu’s storm drains and tips on how to prevent storm water pollution.