DOT HWYS Oahu’s Q3 2017 Adopt-A-Highway Champions
October 10, 2017
Congratulations to Samahang Ilocano International, DOT-HWYS Third Quarter 2017 Adopt-A-Highway Champions! Their two routes are along Farrington Highway from Kapakahi Stream Bridge to Waiawa Interchange (H-1), and Kalihi Street/Likelike Highway.
Adopt-A-Highway Champions First Quarter 2016
April 11, 2016
Congratulations to DTRIC Insurance Company, which has been selected as the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division, Oahu District’s First Quarter 2016 Adopt-A-Highway Champions!
Common Storm Water Terms and Definitions
April 11, 2016
If you’ve ever read an article about the storm drain system and wondered about some of the terms commonly used to describe it, then you’re in luck — we have your answers here!
Common Storm Water Pollutants
April 11, 2016
We hear all the time about the different pollutants that can flow into the storm drain system, and then to our ocean waters. But what are the most common storm water pollutants, and how do they adversely affect the environment? Here’s a quick reminder of all the damage pollutants can do
Storm Water Hawaii Exhibit’s New Home at Sea Life Park
April 11, 2016
Thanks to a partnership with Sea Life Park, the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division, Oahu District’s Storm Water Management Program was able to place illustrated posters at the Touch Pool attraction in 2014 that described the process by which storm water made its way to the ocean, and how trash, chemicals, and other pollutants can harm the environment and wildlife.
Construction BMPs for Protecting Stockpiles
April 11, 2016
Is your stockpile protected?
Stockpiling material on construction sites is almost always needed at some point during the life of a project, so proper planning is needed to ensure that adequate best management practices (BMPs) are in place to prevent stockpiled material from polluting storm water.
Ala Wai Watershed Storm Water Best Management Practices on Oahu Project
April 11, 2016
In order to keep roadways safe for driving, they are designed and constructed to allow storm water runoff to drain quickly and efficiently to the road shoulder.
Liliha Street Rehabilitation Project
January 12, 2016
The State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Highways Division, Oahu District has numerous roadway construction projects going on at any given time that vary in size and complexity.
How to select perimeter controls for your next construction project
January 12, 2016
Perimeter controls on construction projects are a temporary best management practice (BMP) for sediment control. Used along the site perimeter, around temporary stockpiles, at the toe of a slope and downslope of exposed areas, perimeter controls keep sediment and potential pollutants contained, preventing them from entering our storm drains and negatively affecting Hawaii’s streams and ocean.
Common Storm Water Pollutants and Their Impacts
January 12, 2016
We know that allowing debris, chemicals, and other pollutants into our storm water system will have terrible repercussions for our water sources.