Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year, with people dressing up in elaborate costumes to enjoy candy and other treats. However, while these festivities are fun, they often generate significant waste, contributing to landfill overflow and ocean pollution.

Each year, the U.S. produces approximately 5.4 million kilograms of textile waste from Halloween costumes, which can take anywhere from 20 to 200 years to decompose (Hummingbird International). This figure doesn’t even include the waste generated by candy wrappers and Halloween decorations     .

Fortunately, your Halloween traditions don’t need to stop to be eco-friendly! There are many ways to enjoy a more sustainable celebration, so that you can still have fang-tastic fun, while also helping to create a Trash Free Hawai’i by reducing the amount of trash that is washed into our storm drains. Here are some suggestions for being  greener with your costumes this year (Green Citizen).

  1. Swap with a friend. If you wore a costume last year that you don’t want to repeat, consider swapping it with a friend. They might have a costume you can borrow in exchange! It’s a great way to get a fresh look while extending the life of your old costumes.
  2. Upcycle clothes or other materials. Check out your own closet – you may already have most of the components for a festive fit! With a little creativity, you can upcycle old clothes, scrap fabrics and old accessories into something new and exciting. Find DIY costume tutorials online for inspiration!
  3. Visit a thrift store. Many costumes are donated or thrown out after just one use. Halloween stores may also donate unsold costumes. As a result, you can find both gently used or even new costumes at thrift stores across the island, often heavily discounted. This saves you money while reducing environmental impact.
  4. Rent a costume. If you want to stand out at a Halloween party, but don’t want to spend a fortune, consider renting one! Rented costumes are typically more affordable and of higher quality than many of the mass-produced options found at Halloween pop-up stores.
  5. Choose timeless costumes. Trendy costumes, like those inspired by the latest movie or celebrity, can quickly go out of style. Instead, invest in a classic costume that you can wear year after year. Timeless options include witches, vampires, lifeguards, bats, and angels.

Whatever costume you choose to wear, make sure all of its pieces are secure. Loose accessories or clothing can fall off while trick-or-treating, adding to litter that clogs storm drains and pollutes our waters. For more eco-friendly Halloween tips, visit our blog.

Source: Green Citizen, Hummingbird International